
Dragon magazine 337
Dragon magazine 337

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Greenwood has also contributed to The Book of All Flesh (2001), an anthology based on All Flesh Must Be Eaten, :341 and written short stories based on the Silver Age Sentinels role-playing game. Greenwood has written over thirty-five novels for TSR, and written, co-written, or contributed to over two hundred books and game products from other publishers. Greenwood has published over two hundred articles in Dragon Magazine and Polyhedron Newszine, is a lifetime charter member of the Role Playing Game Association ( RPGA) network, and has been Gen Con Game Fair guest of honor many times. He has stated that the Forgotten Realms, as run by him in his own games, is more "dark" and edgy than it is in officially sanctioned, published works.


Greenwood feels his work on the Realms that he likes best are "those products that impart some of the richness and color of the Realms, such as the novel I wrote with Jeff Grubb, Cormyr the Volo's Guides Seven Sisters The Code of the Harpers City of Splendors and stuff that lots of gamers have found useful, such as Drow of the Underdark and Ruins of Undermountain." He found that it has been easy to keep his enthusiasm for the Realms over the years, as so many people care about it, ask him questions about the world's lore ("Realmslore"), and share with him what they have done. Many of these center around the wizard Elminster, whom Greenwood has frequently portrayed at conventions and gaming events. He retained the rights to his fictional universe and went on to write numerous Forgotten Realms novels.

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The campaign setting was a major success, and Greenwood continued to be involved with all subsequent incarnations of the Forgotten Realms in D&D. The following year, Greenwood used this material as a basis for writing the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set along with coauthor Jeff Grubb. He sent TSR a few dozen cardboard boxes stuffed with pencil notes and maps, and sold all rights to the Realms for a token fee. Greenwood agreed to work on the project, and began to prepare his Forgotten Realms material for official publication. TSR felt that the Forgotten Realms would be a more open-ended setting than the epic Dragonlance setting, and chose the Realms as a ready-made campaign for AD&D 2nd Edition.

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:19 According to Greenwood, Grubb asked him "Do you just make this stuff up as you go, or do you really have a huge campaign world?" he answered "yes" to both questions. In 1986, the American game publishing company TSR began looking for a new campaign setting for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, and assigned Jeff Grubb to find out more about the setting used by Greenwood in his articles for Dragon magazine. :19 He wrote voluminous entries to Dragon magazine, using the Realms as a setting for his descriptions of magic items, monsters, and spells.


According to Greenwood, his players' thirst for detail pushed him to further develop the Forgotten Realms setting: "They want it to seem real, and work on 'honest jobs' and personal activities, until the whole thing into far more than a casual campaign." īeginning with the periodical's 30th issue in 1979, Greenwood published a series of short articles that detailed the setting in The Dragon magazine, the first of which was about a monster known as The Curst. He used the Realms as a setting for his campaigns, which centered arounds the fictional locales of Waterdeep and Shadowdale, locations that would figure prominently in his later writing. Greenwood discovered the Dungeons & Dragons game in 1975 and soon became a regular player. He imagined such worlds as being the source of humanity's myths and legends. Greenwood conceived of the Forgotten Realms as one world in a "multiverse" of parallel worlds which includes the Earth. He began writing stories about the Forgotten Realms as a child, starting in the mid 1960s they were his "dream space for swords and sorcery stories". 4.3 Other fiction anthology contributionsĮd Greenwood grew up in the upscale Toronto suburb of Don Mills.

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